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Wetlands Ecology and Management 17:71–84įan YB, Zhou DM, Ke YH et al (2020) Quantifying the correlated spatial distributions between tidal creeks and coastal wetland vegetation in the Yellow River estuary. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(25):14218–14223Įrwin KL (2009) Wetlands and global climate change: the role of wetland restoration in a changing world. Science of the Total Environment 314-316:335–377ĭonnelly JP, Bertness MD (2001) Rapid shoreward encroachment of salt marsh cordgrass in response to accelerated sea-level rise. Water 11:552Ĭox BA (2003) A review of currently available in-stream water-quality models and their applicability for simulating dissolved oxygen in lowland rivers.
#Hydrodynamic models mike 21 sea level drivers#
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7:358–389Ĭasanova MT, Brock MA (2000) How do depth, duration and frequency of flooding influence the establishment of wetland plant communities? Plant Ecology 147(2):237–250Ĭhen YY, Vigouroux G, Bring A et al (2019) Dominant hydro-climatic drivers of water temperature, salinity, and flow variability for the large-scale system of the Baltic coastal wetlands. Ocean and Coastal Management 54(7):535–543īullock A, Acreman M (2003) The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 58(3–4):239–258īerlanga-Robles CA, Ruiz-Luna A, Bocco G et al (2011) Spatial analysis of the impact of shrimp culture on the coastal wetlands on the northern coast of Sinaloa, Mexico. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42(444):1–15īenz UC, Hofmann P, Willhauck G et al (2004) Multi-resolution, object-oriented fuzzy analysis of remote sensing data for GIS-ready information.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76(1):1–13īarros MLC, daSilva TD, da Cruz AGB et al (2020) Numerical simulation of wetland hydrodynamics andwater quality. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99:743–747Īlongi DM (2008) Mangrove forests: resilience, protection from tsunamis, and responses to global climate change. These findings have provided detailed methods of a novel approach to quantitatively assess habitat status in tidal-flat wetlands.Īllinson G (2017) Effect of increasing salinity on development of Giant reed ( Arundo donax) from rhizome and culms. However, certain hydrological conditions did appear to limit the spatial distributions of wetland plant communities. The prevalent plant community in the LRE, dominated by Suaeda heteroptera, was abundant across a large range of flood times (0.79 ~ 3.22 h/day), inundation frequencies (11 ~ 52 times/month), and max flooding depths (0.42 ~ 0.81 m). The simulation results showed that the hydrological characteristics of the tidal wetlands were primarily dependent on local topography and water level. After extensive calibration and validation against field data, we proposed a 2D circulation structure for the LRE that can be used to calculate the hydrological parameters in different areas of the tidal wetlands. Next, hydrodynamic modelling was performed to characterize the water levels and tidal currents in these wetland waters. We used remote sensing and geographic information system to determine the spatial distributions of Suaeda heteroptera and Phragmites australis plants on the tidal-flats of Liao River Estuary (LRE), China. Understanding hydrodynamic and hydrological processes is therefore critical to sustaining ecosystem functions and productivity in tidal wetlands. Hydrologic processes in tidal wetlands are important regulators controlling the growth and productivity of salt marsh plants.